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Höfner Artist Bass eller Model 185

Her er lidt info fra Höfner selv:
Artist Bass (1962-67). Introduced in late 1962 as the main two pickup bass for the UK market, it replaced the Hofner "Solid Bass" which was actually the European market Hofner 182 model. The Artist bass was called the 185 model by Hofner in Europe.
The "offset-waist" body design and large strip fret markers made it a very attractive instrument. All Artist basses made for the UK were finished in red - usually red lacquer but a few were also produced in red vinyl. A bolt-one single piece neck was used together with a bound rosewood fingerboard. Larger than the usual Hofner tuners for that era were fitted.
Electrical controls initially were simply a rotary volume and tone control for each pickup; the pickups being turned off by turning down the volume controls. Later Artist basses had two individual pickup slider switches mounted on the treble side of the scratchplate, in addition to the four rotary controls.

Min udgave med originalt "tapetmønstret" toplag er slet ikke nævnt, da der blev producereret få af disse. Der sidder nye Fender flatwound strenge på bassen. Bassen er sund og fuldt spilbar.

Jeg har set een af disse blive annonceret til salg i Danmark for 12000 kr. - min blev prissat lidt billigere, da jeg syn's at den skalle ud at spille igen.


Hofner Artist Bass